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What happens when you sink the white ball in pool?

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When the white ball drops into the pool pocket, the scenario is called a scratch, which is considered a foul. Pocketing balls in pool is allowed for all the object balls, but that’s not the case with the white ball or Cue Ball.

A white ball in a pool game is used to drive other balls into the pockets, and for this reason, the ball is called the Cue ball.

So, what happens when a player sinks the white ball in the pool? When a player pockets a white ball in the pool table, that’s a foul, and the opponent earns a ball in hand. If the player sinks the Cue Ball while on the 8-ball, the result is an automatic loss no matter how many balls the opponent has left on the table.

There are two options an opponent player can handle this foul, which will depend on the rules the players are using and the type of foul that was committed:

  • The opponent player can place the white ball anywhere around the pool table.
  • The opponent player can place the cue ball anywhere behind the head string or service line.

A ball in hand earn from scratch foul gives the opponent a serious advantage in gameplay. For this reason, a player should avoid pocketing the white ball by all means.

What happens when you sink the white ball before the black?

A player that sinks the cue ball while attempting a final shot on the black ball automatically loses the game. In some leagues, the scratch counts as a normal foul, and the opponent player gets a ball in hand.

However, if the cue ball and the blackball are both pocketed, that’s a direct loss.

Assuming the game referred to is an 8-ball played using BCA rules, any form of scratch, including pocketing a white ball after hitting the 8-ball, will make the player lose.

 That’s being said, players can play by any rules as long as members agree upon it. In such cases, it is possible to find the gameplay continuing even after a scratch foul has been committed.

If the white ball goes in after the black, who wins?

When the white ball goes in after the black, that’s a scratch on the 8-ball, and the guilty player will lose the game. Any form of a scratch where the white ball goes in a pocket while on the 8-ball is considered foul on black, resulting in a straight loss.

The black ball is the last ball that a player needs to pocket after all the object balls have been pocketed to win the game. However, it always results in a loss when the white ball is sunk while on the 8-ball. 

Pool rules 

Pool rules are among the most disputed of any sport around the world. These rules differ slightly depending on where the game is being played such as tournament, bar or household. 

The WPA (World Pool-Billiard Association) has tried to standardize a set of rules used by both amateur and professional players, especially in major leagues. 

The object balls are normally placed in a triangular rack at the lower end of the pool table before the game starts. The rack is placed such that the apex ball lies on the foot spot. 

The object balls are placed randomly on the rack apart from the 8-ball normally placed on the third row. 

  • The white ball is normally placed behind the service line on the opposite end of the pool table front he rack.
  • Players flip a coin to decide who starts the first game, but afterward, the player starts the game in turns.
  • A break is considered legal if it hits balls, and four of the balls must contact the side rail cushions. The white ball should not get pocketed, and in case the 8-ball sinks on the break, the player who took the break is entitled to request a re-rack.
  • The player who sinks an object ball must continue targeting the balls of that type (stripes or solids), and the opponent player will have to shoot the other group of the balls.
  • A player continues to pot until they make a foul or fail to pocket an object ball. Then the turn is to switch to the opponent player, who is expected to do the same. The series continues until the end of the game.
  • When a player makes the following actions: hitting the white ball off the table, hitting the white twice, scratch foul, falling to hit their object balls, or taking a shot when it’s not their turn, the opponent player is entitled to ball in hand and place the white ball anywhere around the table to their advantage.
  • When all players pocket all their object balls, they must sink the black ball. They must designate a particular hole to sink the eight ball, and if they fail, the opposing player gets back to the table. If a player pockets the black ball to another hole rather than the nominated one, they lose the game. If they scratch the white ball on the 8-ball, they lose the game unless the black ball is still in play.
What happens when you sink the white ball in pool

Sink White Ball in Pool: Conclusion 

Sinking the white ball on the break causing the player to forfeit the remainder of their turn, even if they sunk other object balls the table remains open. The opponents is up next, and get ball in hand to place the Cue Ball behind the service line.

If the scratch foul happens on the last shot targeting the 8-ball, the player must forfeit their game in a loss. This is an automatic loss no matter how many object balls the opponent has left on the table.

Whenever a scratch happens from sinking the white ball, that’s a foul, plain and simple! It doesn’t matter which rules the game uses, but the opponent is entitled to a ball in hand or instant victory. 

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