Any player in the Sorry game aims to traverse their Pawns from the START to HOME space to win. The movement of a given Pawn takes place once the player draws the card from the pile.
A piece can move backward or forward in a given number of spaces as indicated on the card a player draws, and sliding is a very dynamic part of the game.
Can you slide on your own color in Sorry? The Sorry game rules state that a player’s Pawn does not slide when landing on your own color triangle. That means a player can only slide if they land on sliding areas that correspond to the color of the opponents.
If the pawn lands on a triangle of the same color, the piece does not slide, and the player has to wait for their next turn to move the Pawn as usual.
When a Pawn lands on a space marked as a triangle, it has to slide if the triangle’s color is different along those marked spaced until the end with a circle. As it slides, the player’s Pawn can bump off the opponent’s and their own Pawns back to their starting space.
A Pawn can land on a triangle through the direct move or as a result of a player picking a switch card (the sorry card), and any Pawn in those sliding spaces are bumped back to their respective starting position. Answered below are frequently asked questions about sliding on your own color in Sorry.
What is the slide rule in Sorry?
According to the slide rule in Sorry, the moment a player’s piece lands on the triangle at the start of a different color slide, the piece slides to the end marked with a circle and knocks off any pieces that are on the slide. If you land on the triangle of your color slide, then nothing happens.
While sliding, your piece bumps other players found along the path and sends all those Pawns, including your own, back to their respective Start space.
Can you pass your own Pawn in Sorry?
In Sorry, players are allowed to Jump over or pass a space occupied by their Pawn as they move along the same path. You cannot land on the same space as another one of your Pawns, that move is no allowed.
According to Sorry official rules, players can only pass over their Pawns, but they are not able to share the same space. If the move lands the player’s Pawn in a space occupied by another Pawn of the same color, the move is forfeited, and the player loses that turn.
Can you choose not to slide in Sorry?
No, if a player’s piece lands on the start of a sliding space that does not correspond to the color of their Pawn, they have to slide from the triangle start to the other end marked with a circle. Along the path, they must bump all pawns, including their own, back to their respective Start areas.
Sliding only occurs when you land on the triangle of other player’s slides. Furthermore, you do not slide if you land in the middle of the slide.
A player can avoid sliding when they land on a slide space that is the same color as their Pawn. In this case, a player Pawn has to stay until the next turn when a player can move it normally.

Slides in Sorry: Conclusion
When a player draws a card with the exact number to land on the start of a slide, that player can use the slide to advance further on the board. However, rules state that you cannot slide on your own color.
When sliding, Pawns get to bump all Pawns along the path as it slides towards the end. On a slide, you do not get to jump over other Pawns in the way.
Pawns jump over other Pawns, but they cannot occupy the same space on a Sorry board. If the Pawn land on another Pawn of the same color, the turn is forfeited, but you get to bump the other Pawn to Start if they are a different color.
Players must make a move as indicated by the card the player picked, even if the move will disadvantage them. The player’s Pawn is prone to be bumped unless its lands in its Safety Zone, but they can still be forced to move backwards if the cards dictate to do so.